Frequently Asked Questions: rentNSN powered by RentOui
Getting Started
What is RentOui?
RentOui is a platform that provides an online forum for its users to advertise, lend and rent luxury handbags to other users. There is no membership fee. You can join the RentOui community for free! RentOui simply facilitates your peer to peer luxury handbag rentals and charges a small percentage fee for its service, and in this case is hosting No Standing NYC as its very first luxury vintage brand partner.
Your profile
RentOui recommends that you include a picture of yourself on your profile page to foster community and respect, and to help you identify users with whom you will lend/rent.
RentOui’s review system encourages timely comments and ratings for transactions fostered by the RentOui platform. The more 5-star reviews a user has, the greater their following!
How do I know if a handbag is authentic?
RentOui takes all listings on our platform seriously. Each listing is reviewed and approved by a team member. No Standing NYC has a rigorous in-house authentication process, and any items that are unable to be authenticated in-house are immediately sent to an out-of-house partner to be fully authenticated.
Can I negotiate the rental rate?
Normally, yes! RentOui does not get involved in transactions between Lenders and Renters. However, No Standing NYC's lender rental prices are firm and no details except the dates of rental are able to be negotiated. Through our monitored messaging system, you can communicate directly with the bag’s owner and establish whatever terms are comfortable to you both. This includes price and delivery method/location.
Can I purchase my bag while I'm renting it?
Absolutely. You can refer to No Standing NYC's website to purchase your bag. Please let us know via email that you will be keeping your bag and we will give you further instruction.
Need help or have a question?
Contact the RentOui team at
Contact the NSN team at